Kamis, Agustus 14, 2008

kumaha deui tuda...

Peringatan keur nu sok api-api teu inget:

Begadang dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin.


Selasa, Agustus 12, 2008


rarasaan mah da teu lila, teu macaan blog batur teh.
bieu kakara "leuleumpangan" deui..
naa... meni asa tinggaleun kieu.
sarumanget nulis yeuh...


Minggu, Agustus 10, 2008


sakitu geus lila teu posting, na sakalina rek posting jol euweuh ideu.
ngan lagu ieu ti tatadi mulek na sirah, hayoh we asa kadenge tuluy..
padahal geus lila teu ngadenge lagu ieu teh.
song op deu dey meureun nya ieu teh...

christopher cross

Well, it's not far down to paradise, at least it's not for me
And if the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquility
Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see
Believe me

It's not far to never-never land, no reason to pretend
And if the wind is right you can find the joy of innocence again
Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see
Believe me

Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be
Just a dream and the wind to carry me
And soon I will be free

Fantasy, it gets the best of me
When I'm sailing
All caught up in the reverie, every word is a symphony
Won't you believe me?


Well it's not far back to sanity, at least it's not for me
And if the wind is right you can sail away and find serenity
Oh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see
Believe me